
Thursday, 29 October 2020

Family Loss

Maths Problems

 This week for my groups math's we just did problem solving. The writing in the black are the questions and the blue are our answers. These answers were by me and Valerie. (helped by Mrs Pome'e 


The ‘Clean as a Whistle Car Wash’ can wash 14 cars an hour. If it is open 12 hours a day, 5 days a week, how many cars can it wash in a week?

  • The ‘Clean as a Whistle Car Wash’ washed 840 cars in a week.


What is the difference between 150 x 150 and 134 x 166? 

  • The difference is 256 because 

  • 150x150 = 22500

  • 134x166 = 22244

  • 22500 - 22244 = 256.


Joe made a trip from Bluetown to Redtown. On the first day he travelled half the distance between the two towns. On the second day he travelled half of the remaining distance. He then had 100km left to travel. How far is it from Bluetown to Redtown? 

  • Its 400km all together because 

  • A quarter of the distance is 100km and the other three quarters is 

300km and all together it's 400km..?


A cake weighs 1.5kg. If the cake were cut into 5 equal pieces, how many grams would each piece weigh? 

  • 1500/5 = 300g 

  • So convert 1.5kg into grams gives us 1500g then we divided by 5

= 300


Sue is allowed to watch 40 hours of television each week. If she watches 20 hours during the weekend, how many hours on average does she watch each weekday? 

  • So every day she watches tv for 4 hours

  • 40h - 20h = 20h left 

  • 20 / 5 days = 4 hours a day.


What is the difference between the sum of the odd counting numbers between 20 and 30 and the sum of the even counting numbers between 20 and 30?

  • 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 odd numbers 

  • 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 even numbers 

  • So we added the odd numbers = 125 and the even numbers to 150

  • 150 - 125 = 25.


In parking meters downtown you can get 15 minutes parking for 10c. Dad put a 50c and a 20c piece into the parking meter at 3:15pm. At what time did the parking meter expire?

  • It expires at 5:00pm because every 10c will give you 15min 

  • 70c will give you 1.45min.

  • So your 70c will take you up to 5:00pm 


Freda and Fred ladybird were playing a jumping game on the number line. Fred can jump three numbers at a time; Freda can only jump two numbers. Fred started at 1 and Freda started at 30. If they both jumped together, how many jumps did the ladybird with the least number of jumps make to get to 100? 

  • Fred at 33 jumps

  • Freda at 35 jumps

  • 100/3 = 33 r 1

  • 100 - 30 =70

  • 70/2 = 35 jumps

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Tuhi Mai Reading Response Questions


Back to Basics: How to eat seasonally and save money during winter

When autumn comes to an end what veggies don’t grow?

Leaks, green  beans, courgette, broccoli, lettuce, sweet pea, brussel sprouts. 

What does this sentence mean? 

According to Statistic New Zealand, fruit and vegetable prices rose 4.2 per cent in the month of April. This rise in the price on fresh produce puts pressure on the wallet and families struggling to make ends meet. Our columnist Lydia Harvey has some tips to eating healthy food without busting the budget this winter.

I think this sentence means that, its telling us about how we're supposed to save money during winter. Its telling us the pros and cons about what you can do about saving money and food when stocking up on food for the winter.

What foods are canned away in winter?

tomatoes , strawberries pineapples, pears, peaches, nashi pears, beetroot, carrots, leeks, parsnips

What does this sentence mean? Explain in your own words

For those who are yet to plant a garden or grow herbs on the windowsill there are some small steps you can do to make big changes financially, environmentally and for your health. These tips will also help save money in the winter as the price of healthy food increases.

What veggies are available in winter?

Red cabbage, leeks, parsnips, beetroots, kale, brussel sprouts

What does bulk up your meals mean?

To stock up on food (for winter).

What veggies grow in winter when you plant them?

  • Broad beans.

  • Broccoli.

  • Brussels sprouts.

  • Cabbage.

  • Celery.

  • Parsley.

  • Cauliflower.

  • Silver beet.

What are ways of reducing your food to going to waste?

Can them put foil over them. Eat them before they go rotten. Store them in zip lock bags?

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

How To Be A Good Friend w/ Mrs Adcock


To be a good friend you need to always be honest, even about their appearance. You need to tell them even if you think they look bad , or if you have a bad feeling about someone or something. Also to be a good friend around this time make sure to sanitize and far cough somewhere else to keep each other safe :) To be a good friend you need to be a good person in general so your friend doesn't have a bad influence on you. Friends tell you secrets for a reason, to be told but not to be shared! If you’re thinking about a good influence think about Jacinda Adern, someone who thinks and acts like a leader and sticks up for what she thinks is right. Social media could cause argument’s or drama online but as a good friend you need to stick together even when rumors are spread you need to think before you react before you  say something you’ll regret :) 

If you have nothing in life but a good friend, you're rich.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Today's Kiwican Lesson

Lastly we played the last game called GKQ (stands for general knowledge questions)  for this game we formed four lines and were asked general knowledge questions the first person to say their buzzer gets to answer but if the person gets it wrong the question still stands for the next person who says their buzzer to answer the question correctly. The winner for that activity was Ezekiel. 

Today for Kiwi can we had Lena and Mrs Matt. Today for our lesson the topic was respect our school and the theme is respect. They asked us questions based on the topic like ''respect our school'' as our answers were ''looking after the property'' '' following the rules'' etc. by the time our talk was over we played our energizer called heads up. To play the energizer you have to form a circle with your players and you keep your heads down until the leader tells you to you put your head up and look at someone. If you look at the person and they're looking at you, you both are out. But if you look at them and they're looking somewhere else you can proceed to the next round til it narrows down into the last three. For our game the last three was kalo, aisea and kue'a. The person who won the energizer was kue'a.

Next after the energizer we learnt this thing where Lena & Mrs Matt taught us this hand thingy relating to the topic respect our school at the tune of YMCA. After that we played another activity called 3 values. Its when you have three actions and the players can do any action from those three actions, but with a person at the front who can do any action when his back is facing us until he turns around with and action. You have to do an action before the person turns around. If you're doing the same action as the person at the front you are out. Til the last person left wins, we played this game ,multiple times which means there were multiple winners for that activity.

 Kiwi Can Marlborough - Hello to all the tamariki at home - YouTube

Maths Fire Questions

 These equations we had to figure out in our head and when we finish answering the questions, then we can use a calculator to see if our answer was right, Here are my answers :)

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Back To School T4 Goals

After a long 2 week holiday we're back to school in term 4. The holidays for me were boring but relaxing. So far, now that I'm back at school I feel more energetic and overall I'm glad to be back at school. 

My goals for this term 4..

Reading: my goal for reading is to read slower when reading the text & same goes for writing.

Writing: For writing my goal is to add more interesting points to my story to make the reader hooked in to my text and so the reader doesn't get bored from my text.

Maths: My goal for Maths is to work more on my decimals until i fully understand the correct way they're supposed to be used for addition and subtraction.

In general: My goal in general is to pay attention when being told how to do something and to participate more in group discussions and in p.e. 

Welcome to Term 4 🤗 - Welcome to Term 4!