
Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Virus Poem Response

This poem was written by a teacher. What do you think was her purpose in writing this poem?


I think Megan Gallagher’s purpose for writing this poem was because of the coronavirus and what we had to go through in quarantine because of the coronavirus. 

If you were a student in this class, what would you say to the teacher about the poem?


I would say ‘’ you are really good at writing poems, and i like how you described alot about what happened about covid 19 .

What virus is this poem talking about?


This poem is talking about Coronavirus

What are 4 ideas you understand about the poem?


I understand what the topic is about, a virus ( coronavirus )

I understand that the virus was tragic enough that they had to stay home, and not go to school. 

What ‘tough stuff’ is the poem talking about?


The things we have had to go through due to corona

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