
Wednesday 23 December 2020

SLJ Week 2 Day 1 - Haiku Poem - Kick Start


Helloo, this is one of the activities i did called a haiku poem.I f you don't know what a haiku poem is, its a Japanese short poem that goes in a certain order of syllables that doesn't rhyme. ( I think )

Backstory Of The Poem :)

So basically this poem explains about two friends who met each other and said hello. But as time went by one of them (lets just say Friend B) found different friends to play with and started getting too busy with them that she didn't have enough time for Friend A. Friend B spend more time with her other friends that she started to ignore Friend A, so that's when Friend A and Friend B turned into strangers instead of friends.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Uinita, this is Elle again from the Summer Learning Journey.

    Wow, this is a powerful haiku - ka mau te wehi! I really like that you’ve provided a backstory for your poem to give it a little more context, and that you’ve made such an impact with very little words!

    Haiku are always a great way to challenge yourself because of the limited amount of syllables you can use, but you have done a great job at keeping to the 5/7/5 format - ka pai!

    I really like the background and font you have used as well, because the subject matter of your poem is quite sad, so you’ve got a dark, somber visual to match!

    Do you write poetry often? You are very good at story-telling and I am very impressed.

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the great work!
    Elle (SLJ)


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