
Monday 28 December 2020

SLJ Week 3 Day 1 - Activity 2 - Its Cool To Be Kind

Interland :D ^

This comment was by Joanna . 
Thank you for all the positive comments that has been left on my blog! I appreciate it a lot knowing that my work is being noticed and appreciated thank you !! Also thank you to the people who leave me feedback, It really helps me reflect and not make the same mistake again. 

- Kind Regards Nita :D


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora Uinita

    Benjamin here from the SLJ commenting team.

    How did you find the interland game? I haven’t played it yet but from what I’ve gathered, everybody gets given love apart from the bully? Is that how you would treat that situation in real life?

    Anyway, awesome that you’ve been doing some commenting. I’m sure Joanna will really appreciate that! Have you been remembering also that you can submit comments for points using this form?

    Keep up the great work!

    Mā te wā

    1. Hello Benjamin,

      I actually found the Interland game fun. I finished three islands/levels. I think its a great game to play especially the third island because It helps spread awareness about scams etc. to people on the internet.


    2. Hey Uinita

      Oh yea that is really valuable! Scams can be really dangerous, I've had some friends who have had their money stolen due to internet scams. We even get some comments here on the blogs from scammers so please be careful if you come across a strange comment, I'm sure you're already well aware though!



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